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On-Line Press Release


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UMG Promotions announces Web presence

One Long Year

February 1999 -- After more than a year away from the internet, Richard Gibby, President of UMG, Inc., announced that beginning immediately UMG, Inc. will once again establish a web presence.  The new web site "UMG PROMOTIONS" will feature a totally revamped look and feel for the UMG family of products. 

The new web site will be hosted by Blue Moon Productions.

For More Information Contact:

202 S. Price Road Suite #101
Tempe, AZ  85281

Tel: 602-894-2968    Toll Free: 888-286-0114
FAX: 602-894-4044
Internet: [email protected]
Webmaster: [email protected]



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Copyright © 1999 UMG PROMOTIONS/Blue Moon Productions
Last modified: February 13, 1999